Otto James at San Youth Network

By: Otto James

Published: 04 August 2020

When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and enjoyment. So, ask yourself this, how can we reduce the impact on our environment in D’Kar? The first thing is to take actions to reduce our ecological footprint. Secondly, we need to conserve nature and finally take actions that help us connect with nature.

Understanding the importance of nature and biodiversity for our own well-being can really help our village, D’Kar flourish. We need to let our people understand how important the environment is and to also protect it for the generations to come. Our duty and our responsibility are to protect this fragile environment since we have borrowed it to the generations to come. What lessons are we teaching them if we continue to denigrate and mismanage our own environment?

We have always seen D’Kar that is not green, full of waste, and unclean? Preserving and protecting our environment should be one of the main goals of our community members. A green D’Kar, waste less and clean would surely be an enjoyable D’Kar. To have this, these are few examples that we can do to help our environment in D’Kar:

Litter in D’Kar
  1. Recycle as many things as you can. Recycling things is the best way to lessen and avoid global warming and climate change.
  2. Avoid burning garbage to lessen global warming. Learn to sell and recycle things to be practical nowadays.
  3. Plant vegetable on your own backyard. This will help you to prevent using cars to go to the market. This will also help in lessening air pollution.
  4. Don’t throw trashes everywhere. This will help in lessening pollutions in air, water, and land.
  5. Plant trees. These also help in lessening the air pollutions. This gives us oxygen that we breathe.

Today, we are facing challenges posed by global warming and it is not only felt in other countries. We feel it here. We cannot deny that we have contributed to global warming in many ways, such as increasing deforestation with fewer tree-planting activities and aggressive development without considering the adverse effects on the land.

Finally, we continue to exploit the environment and nature with hardly any thought for conservation and the well-being of future generations. For us to have a healthy environment we have to plant more flora in our environment so that it can be healthy. And the life cycle of the environment can produce good results.

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